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Skill Checklist
Part 2 - Mental Health and Addictions
Test your knowledge and skills for caring for those
with psychiatric, mental health and
addiction / substance use disorders.
To be sure we get your results, please login to each quiz with the following info:

Mental Health Disorders
Questions relating to a patient's /client's mental status and the six levels or stages of altered arousal.
Questions relating to the different types of dementia, symptoms and characteristics of each, and tips to communicate with and provide quality care to persons with dementia.
Anxiety Disorders
Questions relating to your knowledge and skills in assessing, identifying and providing nursing care to individuals suffering different degrees and types of anxiety disorders, e.g., panic disorder, agoraphobia, obsessions, compulsions, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Depressive Disorders
Questions relating to your knowledge and skills in assessing, identifying and providing nursing care to individuals suffering major depressive and dysthymic disorders. This includes knowledge of symptoms, communication techniques, therapies and different pharmacology treatment options.
Thank you for completing our Skill Checklists!
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